Sulfogaiacol Pentoxyverine Citrate and Promethazine Hydrochloride Granules
For cough and phlegm caused by cold or flu.
Key words:
Respiratory Department
Product accessories:

Sulfogaiacol Pentoxyverine Citrate and Promethazine Hydrochloride Granules
【common name】 Guafenpentol Promethazine Granules
【English name】 Sulfogaiacol Pentoxyverine Citrate and Promethazine Hydrochloride Granules
【Chinese Pinyin】 Yufen Pentuo Yibingqin Keli
【Ingredients】 This product is a compound preparation, each containing 5 mg of promethazine hydrochloride, 125 mg of potassium guaiacol sulfonate, and 10 mg of pentoverine citrate. The excipients are citric acid, sodium citrate, vanilla essence, carmine, and sucrose.
【traits】 This product is pink granules; sweet and fragrant.
【Action category】 This product is an over-the-counter antitussive and expectorant drug.
【Indications】 For cough and phlegm caused by cold or flu.
【Specification】 compound.
【Dosage】 oral. Adults take 2 sachets at a time, 3 times a day.
【Adverse reactions】 Nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, skin irritation and other reactions.
1. Contraindicated in patients with pulmonary hemorrhage, acute gastroenteritis and nephritis.
2. Neonatal and premature infants are prohibited.
1. If the symptoms are not relieved after taking the medicine for 7 days, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
2. Do not drive machines, vehicles, boats, engage in high-altitude operations, mechanical operations and operate precision instruments during the period of taking the medicine.
3. Use with caution in patients with glaucoma, bladder neck obstruction, pyloric and duodenal obstruction, peptic ulcer and prostatic hypertrophy.
4. Elderly, pregnant and lactating women should use it under the guidance of a physician.
5. Please consult your physician or pharmacist for the dosage for children.
6. Those who are allergic to this product are prohibited, and those with allergies should use it with caution.
7. It is forbidden to use when the properties of this product are changed.
8. Please keep this product out of the reach of children.
9. Children must be used under adult supervision.
10. If you are using other medicines, please consult your physician or pharmacist before using this product.
【medicine interactions】
1. Combination of this product with central sedatives, hypnotics or ethanol can increase the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.
2. This product should be avoided in combination with antihypertensive drugs and antidepressants.
3. If used with other drugs, drug interactions may occur, please consult your physician or pharmacist for details.
【pharmacological action】 Promethazine hydrochloride is an antihistamine, which can resist telangiectasia caused by allergic reaction, reduce capillary permeability, mild bronchial smooth muscle spasmolytic effect, and also have obvious central stabilization and certain antitussive effect. ; Potassium guaiacol sulfonate is an expectorant, which increases the secretion of glands in the respiratory tract, and the sputum is diluted, which is easy to cough out; Antitussive effect, can slightly inhibit the bronchial sensory organs, weaken the cough reflex.
【storage】 Seal and store in a dry place.
【Package】 Polyester/aluminized polyester/low density polyethylene composite film for pharmaceutical packaging, 5g X10 bags/box.
【valid period】 18 months.
【Executive standard】 National Drug Standard WS1-XG-026-2017
【Executive standard】 Chinese medicine quasi-word H45021169
【Manual revision date】
【Drug Marketing Authorization Holder】
Name: Guangxi Chunzhengtang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Registered address: 3rd Floor, Standard Workshop, No. 8, Yangtang Industrial Park, Lingui Town, Lingui District, Guilin City
Phone number: 0773-5589395
【Entrusted production company】
Company name: Anhui Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Production address: No. 211 Chuangye Road, Chuzhou City
Postal Code: 239000
Phone number: 4008630880
Website address: http: //
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