Oral rehydration salt powder (Ⅲ)
Prevents and treats mild to moderate dehydration caused by diarrhea, and can be used to supplement sodium, potassium, and chlorine.
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Oral rehydration salt powder (Ⅲ)
【common name】 Oral rehydration salt powder (Ⅲ)
【English name】 Oral Rehydration Salts Powder(Ⅲ)
【Chinese Pinyin】 Koufu Buyeyan San(Ⅲ)
【Ingredients】 This product is a compound preparation, and its components are: each contains 0.65g of sodium chloride, 0.725g of sodium citrate, 0.375g of potassium chloride, and 3.375g of anhydrous glucose.
【traits】 This product is white crystalline powder.
【Indications】 Prevents and treats mild to moderate dehydration caused by diarrhea, and can be used to supplement sodium, potassium, and chlorine.
【Specification】 5.125g per pack (sodium chloride 0.65g, sodium citrate 0.725g, potassium chloride 0.375g, anhydrous glucose 3.375g).
【Dosage】 Before use, dissolve a bag of 5.125g in 250ml warm water and take it orally at any time.
1. For adults, start with 50ml/kg, take it within 4-6 hours, and then adjust the dose according to the degree of dehydration of the patient until the diarrhea stops.
2. Children: 50ml/kg at the beginning, take within 4 hours, and then adjust the dose according to the degree of dehydration of the patient until the diarrhea stops. Infants and young children need to be given a small amount and several times when using this product.
Prevention: Children under 6 months take 50ml each time; children from 6 months to 2 years old take 100ml each time; children 2 to 10 years old take 150ml each time; children over 10 years old follow the doctor's advice.
Note: In severe dehydration or severe diarrhea, intravenous fluids should be administered until the diarrhea stops, and oral rehydration salts are administered once the patient can take orally.
or as directed by a doctor.
【Adverse reactions】
1. Nausea and vomiting, mostly mild. It usually occurs when you start taking it, and you can take it in small doses at this time.
2. Too much water.
Disabled in the following cases:
1. Those who are allergic to any of the ingredients in this product are prohibited.
2. Patients with renal insufficiency, especially those with anuria and oliguria.
3. Intravenous fluid should be given when there is severe dehydration and signs of shock.
4. Severe diarrhea, the amount of feces exceeds 30ml/kg per hour, and the patient often cannot take a sufficient amount of oral rehydration salts.
5. Glucose absorption disorder.
6. Those who cannot take it orally due to severe vomiting and other reasons.
7. Intestinal obstruction, intestinal paralysis and intestinal perforation.
8. Acid-base balance disorder, accompanied by metabolic alkalosis.
1. It is generally not used for premature infants.
2. Follow-up examinations: ①blood pressure; ②body weight; ③blood electrolytes (mainly Na+ and K+); ④signs of dehydration; ⑤fecal volume.
3. Those who suffer from severe dehydration or those who have no obvious correction of dehydration after application of this product should be changed to intravenous rehydration.
【Pregnant and lactating women medication】 For women who are or may become pregnant and breastfeeding, use the drug only after weighing the benefits and risks.
【Medication for children】 Infants and young children need to be given a small amount and several times when using this product.
【geriatric medication】 Under normal circumstances, due to the weakened physiological function of elderly patients, full attention should be paid to medication.
【medicine interactions】 This trial has not been performed and there are no reliable references.
【drug overdose】 Taking too much or too quickly in a short period of time can cause overdose, mainly gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. Long-term overdose may cause water and sodium retention, and occasionally hyperkalemia.
【pharmacology and toxicology】 In addition to supplementing water, sodium and potassium, it has a therapeutic effect on acute diarrhea. This product contains glucose, and the intestinal mucosa can absorb a certain amount of sodium ions while absorbing glucose, thereby increasing the absorption of intestinal juice by the intestinal mucosa.
【Pharmacokinetics】 This trial has not been performed and there are no reliable references.
【storage】 Seal and store in a dry place.
【Package】 Polyester/aluminum/polyethylene pharmaceutical composite films and bags. 4 packs/box, 6 packs/box, 8 packs/box, 12 packs/box.
【valid period】 24 months.
【Executive standard】 tate Drug Administration Standard YBH02702019
【Approval Number】 Chinese medicine quasi-word H20193361
【Drug Marketing Authorization Holder】
Anhui Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 211, Chuangye Road, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
Company name: Anhui Jiuhua Huayuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 211, Chuangye Road, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province
Postal Code: 239000
Phone number: 0550-3063636
Fax number: 0550-3060177
Website: http://www.hkjhhy.com
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